The Strive for Children Project is aimed at building capacity for underprivileged households focusing on women who are the custodians of the children . This will be done through promotion of women participation in skills training and income generating enterprises in the area of Nabweru Sub-county. This program is an extension of the EmpowerHER program except that it has introduced vocational training, entrepreneurship, modernization and diversification, intended to help the women to have accelerated transformation for sake of enabling them to provide normal childhood development to their children. Nabweru sub-county has six (6) parishes and One hundred and ninety three (193) villages. Nabweru is estimated to have a population of 155,100, comprising of 82,800 female and 72,300 male
Blossoms of Hope Foundation is a registered local Non-government Organization, non-political, non-religious, working with both local and international partners tackling poverty, by responding to conerns of child abuse and exploitation, and domestic violence..
The ultimate purpose of Strive for Children Project activities is to advance the welfare of Children by empowering the mothers. To achieve this goal,Strive for Children works by mobilizing and recruiting women into self-help groups through which the women engage in various socio-economic activities. Strive for Children believes that in order to improve child development, the women as the custodians of the child has to be accessed first.
The project is championing the empowerment of women by building their capacities and competencies. This will be achieved by conducting regular informal and field skills and entrepreneurship training, which will equip them with the necessary skills and competencies to identify, develop and manage their income generating enterprises.
The project broad objectives are:
● To increase the financial abilities of women to enable them afford education, food, health, clothing and shelter for their children, reduce poverty and improve standards of living for the children;
● To advance gender equality, equity and empowerment of women in order that they can help to eliminate violence against children;The proposed duration of the project is five (5) years, involving fifteen (15) training session, three (3) training session each every year
The targeted beneficiaries to this project shall include Fourty (40) women per session giving a total of four hundred and eighty (600) women from Nabweru division and the surrounding communities of Kawanda, Kagoma. The total project cost is projected at Ugsh 2,111,650,000 comprising Blossoms of Hope Foundation”s own contribution of Ugsh 50,000,000 and the required funding contribution of Ugsh 2,063,650,000.
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